A Community of Welcome

Hebraic Christian Global Community is designed to manifest the biblical culture of welcome. Its arms are open wide to every believer, regardless as to race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, or denominational affiliation. This network is a culture of hospitality that is exemplified by the open door. There can be absolutely no exclusivity that shuts out or places at a distance anyone who believes that Jesus Christ is both Lord and Messiah.

This Hebraic tradition of hospitality was initiated four millennia ago by Abraham and Sarah. It has been suggested that Sarah’s tent was open on all four sides so that strangers coming from any direction could find an open door for sharing the family’s hospitality and its relationship with the God of creation. The original Hebraic family, then, was not a closed, foreboding unit, nor was it elitist or exclusive in nature. It welcomed all who passed by to share the blessings that the God of all had given to them. It recognized that its unique covenant with God was designed to bring universal blessing upon all the families of the earth through prophetic intercession.


This open-arms philosophy provides Hebraic Christian Global Community with an atmosphere of instant acceptance and of ongoing affirmation. People are not admitted to this Hebraic community because of who they are or what they possess. They are received simply because they are human beings who, like the rest of the community, are seeking an intimate walk with the living God. None is perfect, and all have faults and needs. All are fully embraced because they are the family of God, sharing the same Father.

The community of welcome is not governed by orthodoxy or a straitjacketing creed. It is committed to orthopraxy, actions that speak much louder than words that are manifest through the praxis of love in action. This is the love that is not selfish, that does not brag, that is not arrogant, and that is never jealous. It is the love that is not easily provoked, and it makes no record of wrongs. It is the love that bears, believes, and endures all things. This is the love that is the primary evidence that one knows God (1 Corinthians 13; 1 John 4:8).