“By Grace through Faith You Are Saved . . . It Is the Gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8).
The subject of salvation is one of the most important in the Bible. Who are saved, how they are saved, why they are saved, and when are they saved have been major subjects for discussion in the body of Christ for centuries. One thing is certain: Salvation is only by God’s grace through the faith of the believer. No one has ever been saved or will ever be saved by anything except by faith; however, God’s grace that brings salvation also equips believers to fulfill God’s instructions in a life of obedience to his Word.
Restore! is published by HEBRAIC CHRISTIAN GLOBAL COMMUNITY as a service to those in the Christian and Jewish communities who envision the restoration of Christianity’s Judaic heritage and the eradication of Christian Judaeophobia and anti-Semitism. Nothing that appears in Restore! may be reprinted in whole or in part without the written permission of the editor. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Restore! or of HEBRAIC CHRISTIAN GLOBAL COMMUNITY. Subscription price $35 per year (4 issues) in the U.S.; $45 per year for other nations.