Train Up a Child
Hebrew Lessons for Rearing Godly Children
There is perhaps no better known Proverb than Proverbs 22:6. The KJV translation of Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Because the word should has been added to the text, most Christian parents treat Proverbs 22:6 as […]
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Restore! is published by HEBRAIC CHRISTIAN GLOBAL COMMUNITY as a service to those in the Christian and Jewish communities who envision the restoration of Christianity’s Judaic heritage and the eradication of Christian Judaeophobia and anti-Semitism. Nothing that appears in Restore! may be reprinted in whole or in part without the written permission of the editor. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Restore! or of HEBRAIC CHRISTIAN GLOBAL COMMUNITY. Subscription price $35 per year (4 issues) in the U.S.; $45 per year for other nations.