Restore! Sola Scriptura (#44)


One of the most powerful insights in the service of the living God is that everything must be established on the authority of the Holy Scriptures, which are God-breathed and profitable for teaching and instruction in righteousness. As you read this issue of Restore!, you will be inspired with the importance of the very words of God that are contained in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Apostolic Scriptures for your spiritual wellbeing.

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One of the most powerful insights in the service of the living God is that everything must be established on the authority of the Holy Scriptures, which are God-breathed and profitable for teaching and instruction in righteousness. As you read this issue of Restore!, you will be inspired with the importance of the very words of God that are contained in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Apostolic Scriptures for your spiritual wellbeing.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 lbs
Dimensions 0.25 × 8.5 × 11 in
Book Formats

Paperback, PDF